My mother says I have to sweep
she says "it goes that fast"
she says "the French say the presentation's half the taste'"
& "cook it until it's done."
She says none of the things in the song are really ironic.
In all the history of the Universe, there has not been a more badass creature to ever wear homemade slippers, & matching cotton pajama sets.
My mother is mussels in Marseilles.
Glasses on end of nose
Kitchen table covered in ideas
Lists for this & that
Lists of lists for this & that
The best ginger molasses cookies & wild rice soup that exists worldwide
My mother is finger woven grapevine wreaths.
My mother is strong enough to be one.
Her combat boots are real
She's loved to kitten tears
Stolen spoon sense of humor
Sharper than any French cheese
My mother is three hundred dollar Italian leather boots from Florence & a 79 cent Goodwill dress.
Forever tending to her roots, treating fruits with love, pests with kindness, flowers with patience
My mother is the best human gardener I know
She's better than a sunrise
Warmer than her one cup of coffee in the morning
Blurred motion activity
My mother is a field of poppies.